
You're Welcome (Day 15)

I stuck around the store after work today awaiting my first week's worth of tips only to have an error occur which resulted in me being shorted on my tips. I notified my store manager, and the woman who gets the tips together and a solution was figured out.

After I received most of the remainder of my week's worth of tips, I found the co-worker responsible for getting tips together and thanked her personally for helping me out. She looked straight at me and didn't say anything. I'm not sure if I said something to offend her, or if she was having a bad day (or anything for that matter), and honestly, it doesn't matter. I was raised to say "you're welcome" when someone thanks you. Over the years I've used the words "no problem", or "yeah, it's cool", as a replacement, but I didn't even get that. Instead, I thanked a co-worker for helping me out, and I got a cold, blank stare in response.

I suppose I'm going to have to get used to the fact that not everyone I'm nice to is going to be nice to me in return - especially not in a city where (as I've written before) the focus is on the individual. I was just surprised that the coldness came from a co-worker when everyone else I work with has been open and receptive to my arrival.