
Year One "Hires" It's First Staff Member - Collaboration Ensues (Day Ten)

My day was uneventful until this afternoon. I only got out of bed around noon, (aside from the brief time I was awake due to Josh's neighbors blasting 90's house music at nine in the fucking morning), and didn't get around to doing anything until 2pm when I headed into Manhattan to stop by my Starbuck's and say farewell to Amy the red-headed theater geek.

Later in the afternoon, however, I had a discussion with my friend, Lisa, who offered me some creative advice for this humble little blog. We talked a bit at first, and then concluded a few hours later The conversation went like this:

Ok, I meant to put My and Lisa's instant messenger conversation in this spot, but apparently it shows up in all black in blogspot. When I tried to fix it the text got all fucked up, and as it's almost 1am when I'm posting this, I didn't care enough to figure it out. Suffice it to say that Lisa offered her services, I accepted and told her she was my first "staff member." She asked if there was money involved, and I said know. Luckily, she's a decade long friend who loves me a lot.

So, it's my pleasure to announce the addition of Ms. Lisa Gorman to Year One's staff. Primarily she'll be a sounding board for not only myself, but you readers as well. An accomplished blogger herself, she may even help me with some conceptual work on future pieces - hell, I might even be able to entice her to guest blog every so often.

You can view Lisa's blog here. I'll be posting her e-mail address soon so that any of you with comments, concerns, questions or suggestions can direct them to her.