I was actually sick in bed all day today. I have a stuffy nose and my shoulders are sore, and from what Josh tells me, "probably inflamed." I took 2 Tylenol and 4 Ibuprofen. Between that and the re-runs of Law & Order and Star Trek that I took in, I'm starting to feel a bit better.
Food today consisted of water and 9 thin mints before Josh came home. Then he took me on my first trip to the ghetto supermarket.
As a ghetto supermarket goes, it had a decent selection. Also, one thing I'm finding funny in New York is that certain things are more expensive, while other things are not. For instance, tuna fish is 99 cents a can as apposed to, say 79 cents in Pittsburgh. However, fresh asparagus was $2.50 a bunch as opposed to $3.99 in Pittsburgh. Maybe it's just the season, though.
The high point of the ghetto supermarket is the gorgeous 17 year old, latina cashiers. My first day I met a 16 year old, my 3rd day a 17 year old. Maybe by Friday I'll actually have a conversation with someone legal.
I cooked burgers and fries for my and Josh's dinner. Then I checked my e-mail and found out that Lisa will be here over the weekend, so perhaps I'll be seeing her again sooner than I thought. Also, tonite's LOST was awesome.
Tomorrow I have my interview with Jet Blue in Queens. I'm assuming this adventure will lend itself to more stories.