Now that I know where I'm going when taking the trains and walking around, I've started wearing my mp3 player on the train ride and subsequent walk to work.
As I exited the subway station at 34 St. in front of Macy's (you know, the Macy's - of Thanksgiving Day Parade fame), I stopped to change the song on my mp3 player. All of a sudden I felt something hit the back of my head and feared the worst:
"Did a bird...just...shit on me?"
I reached my hand to the back of my head and felt some kind of liquid. As I looked at my hand, my fears were put to rest as I saw something that didn't resemble bird excrement, but rather looked more like a soy latte. From what I remember, there was no discernible odor, but that didn't stop the feeling of disgust that overcame me as I wiped my hand off on Macy's exterior wall.
With 20 minute to get to work, I ran into Macy's and asked the doorman where the public bathroom was. He told me it was on the 7th floor, and I made my way to the elevators trying in desperate embarrassment to not have the back of my head face anyone. I found the bathroom and spent 10 minutes washing out my hair without being able to know if whatever grossness was forced upon me is gone.
I made it to work with about three minutes to spare. Once back at Josh's apartment, I told him the story and he informed me that he is under the impression that the windows in Macy's don't open. We determine that either a bird did in fact shit on me (a scenario I'm not willing to even contemplate), or that someone threw something at me.
Either way, if you'd like to send me a hat - or multiple hats, e-mail me to discuss style options and receive a shipping address.