It's been 26 days since my last post, and I feel kind of terrible for it. Not only have I let things go on here, but personally, I'm sacrificing my need to write. It's therapy, in some way, I suppose - even if I'm not getting all that personal on here. The mental excercise, though, is what I believe helps rid myself of some of the everyday stressers and makes me "feel" better.
That being said, a lot has happened in 26 days...
1) I'm going to be an uncle again. In June my sister told me she's pregnant for the second time. Come December or so, my nephew will have a little brother or sister to play with..
2) I've moved. I know live ina sectio of New York known as Ridgewood that borders Brooklyn and Queens. My roommate is a 21 South African girl named Leann brought here by way of Colorado. Her boyfriend, James is around a lot as well.
3) I'm preparing for promotion. I briefly met another store manager here in New York who said he'd be looking for an Assistant manager in the fall. My current store manager told him (with me in the room) that I would fit in well with his store and hat I'd be ready by fall. I'm grateful to have the support, and am anxious and eager to take on more responsibility for the company, but I'm also a firm believer in Murphy's Law as well. I'm planning for the best right now, and focusing on being the best I can be in my position right now.
4) I got robbed. I drank a bit too much one nite a few weeks ago and ended up passing out in the Union Square subway station. When I came to, my sport coat, wallet and PDA were gone. The PDA is a loss, but luckily my bank card was turned off immediately and the money refunded, and through the kindness of a stranger, my State ID was returned to me. It's been a hassle, and replacing some things cost me some money, but in the end it's not as if I got punched in the face or anything.
5) I got punched in the face. Two days after being robbed I was coming around the corner towards my apartment when a large man bumped into me. I didn't think anything of it until he came back, spun me around and began saying something to me in beer soaked Polish. Finally asking me "Is there a fucking problem, motherfucker?" in English, I told him "No. Get the fuck off of me", and released his arms from their pinning of me to a fence. As his arms were flung up and outwards, he took one back, clenched a fist and took one swing at me, connecting with my jaw. A man yelled from the street and my assaulter took off. Luckily though bigger than me, he hits like a girl 9at least when drunk.)
6) I changed my phone number to a New York number. If you don't have hte new one, let me know and I'll send it to you.
7) I visited family and friends in Pennsylvania. I went to Lancaster for a visit from Saturday through Tuesday. I saw and talked to a lot more people their than I have in a long time. Amber's sister (Kate) had her baby with some complications but all is well now. Lisa (you know, the one who helps me "run" this site) is still a social butterfly and incredibly fun to talk to and shop with. Ashley was able to take the two hours I saw her for (the first time in five years) and make me realize why I miss having her in my life. And finally, while my youngest siblings weren't home this past weekend, I did see my sister (in town from Chicago) for a day, which is never enough time.
That's about where things stand right now. Diane (a friend form Pittsburgh) and her boyfriend are coming to visit me this coming Sunday through Tuesday, which is exciting, and sometime in teh near future I need to call Joe, Josh and Cait and see when I cna make plans to hang out with them.
I'll update soon.